The Posture of a Godly Leader
starting right in Church Revitalization
Mark Hallock
Leading a dying church back to health and vibrancy, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is unlike any other calling in ministry. In fact, there are some unique leadership qualities needed for a revitalization pastor to truly succeed, without which you will struggle to be:
a leader people want to follow, not simply have to follow
a leader that leads real change in the lives of individuals, churches, and entire communities by the power of the Spirit
a leader that brings glory to God as one who faithfully shepherds the sheep Jesus died for and paid for with His own blood
Hurting, struggling, weary, tired, dying churches need more than some new methodology or impressive strategy. They need this kind of leader.
While you will find a myriad of effective practices in these pages, author Mark Hallock describes the heart of a God-honoring revitalizer and how to cultivate the leadership qualities necessary to lead a church back to life. Will you discover God's design for your ministry?