This series features short, action-oriented resources aimed at equipping the North American church for a movement of church replanting, introduced by Pastor Mark Hallock’s book Replant Roadmap.
Thousands of churches are closing their doors in the United States every year in some of its fastest-growing, most under-reached neighborhoods. Yet there is much hope for these churches, particularly through the biblically-rooted, gospel-saturated work of replanting. Designed for both group and individual study, these books will both help you understand what the Bible has to say about how God builds and strengthens his church, and offer you some practical steps toward revitalization in your own.
While God isn’t calling every pastor to be a replanter, He is calling some. He might be calling you.
The greatest and most powerful way you can help a replant be all that God wants it to be is by lovingly building up others.
The Lord loves struggling churches and receives much glory when bringing them back to life and vibrancy.
Puede que estés cansado y más que un poco golpeado, pero Dios no ha terminado con su iglesia... Tú tampoco deberías hacerlo.
One of the most pressing needs for churches in decline is to connect the public preaching with their congregational life.
The Lord is calling us as His people, as partners in the Gospel, to lock arms and fight, by His Spirit, to stop the trend of dying churches in our communities together.
We need pastors who can lead healthy change in a declining church with passionate vision and a shepherd’s heart. Where can we find replanters like this? Your church.
He's bringing life to churches that most people have given up on...Churches that appear headed toward imminent closure once and for all. God is moving in power to breathe new life and hope to congregations like these in cities and communities just like yours.
As Christians, we need to lock arms and fight to stop the trend of dying churches in our communities. The task of church replanting then is to come alongside these dying congregations and lovingly and joyfully shepherd them back to health, mission, and multiplication.
You might be surprised to learn that God has great plans for Nowhere, USA; population you, your family, a few people, and scores of cattle.