return to worship
a God-centered approach
By Ron Owens
Worship represents the ultimate opportunity for Christians to communicate with their Creator and pay Him homage. The true meaning of worship, however, is often lost when churches concentrate so much on methods and style. Ron Owens points out that that we must begin with the "who" of worship, not with the "how" of worship, since our view of who God is directly impacts how we approach Him. In the rush to develop a form with which we feel comfortable, have we lost sight of God's own plan for worship?
Return to Worship tackles that questions with a detailed look at what is essential to worship -- and what isn't -- based on Scripture. It addresses important pressing questions related to worship like, "what does Scripture say about worship, both individual and corporate?" "What are the ingredients God is looking for when we worship?" Challenging widely held beliefs and practices, Owens reminds Christians everywhere that the fundamental purpose for which they exist is to worship God. And that out of worship issues everything else in life.